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Three smoothie recipes

The apple-banana-orange smoothie recipe

To prepare this vitamin smoothie recipe, ideal for breakfast, you will need, for 3 to 4 large glasses, 5 oranges, 3 apples and 2 bananas. Start by peeling the bananas and apples. Cut them into pieces. Squeeze the oranges. Blend the bananas and apples with the orange juice. It's ready ! Depending on your tastes, you can add a few drops of vanilla extract, a little chopped mint… For a very cold drink, mix the fruit with a little ice.

The recipe for the red fruit smoothie

This red fruit smoothie is delicious in the summer, with good flavorful fresh fruit. To prepare it, mix 100 g of strawberries with a few currants and a few blackberries. Add 35 cl of milk and a few drops of vanilla extract. Serve well chilled. Of course, you can also prepare this smoothie recipe with all the red fruits you find:raspberries, cherries (don't forget to pit them), blueberries... In winter, do not hesitate to prepare your smoothies with red fruits with frozen fruit!

The vegetable smoothie recipe

Smoothies aren't just made with fruit. Veggie smoothies are just as delicious, and they're a great way to fill up on vitamins and minerals while indulging. To prepare your savory smoothies, you can use many different vegetables:tomato, celery, cucumber, pepper, zucchini... Don't hesitate to spice them up with fresh herbs, spices... and even try sweet and savory combinations, adding apple, pear, mango, orange… For example, to prepare a very simple cucumber smoothie, mix a cucumber in pieces with about ten basil leaves and the juice of half a lemon . To give it more creaminess, you can also add a few spoons of fromage blanc or fromage frais. Salt and pepper, it's ready!