Family Best Time >> Food

A great recipe book for cooking rainbow cakes like a chef!

A quick, well-done pie is great, but if we learned how to bake rainbow cakes, don't you think that would be great?

We couldn't resist...

After one photo we were salivating, after two our stomach was screaming and after three we were trying to munch the book (in vain)! They are beautiful, they are good… Rainbow cakes amaze our eyes as much as our taste buds and our guests envy us. And what's great is that it's not just for pastry professionals, you can do it too!

30 colorful recipes

To impress the gallery (and especially treat us), this book offers us 30 cakes for gourmet moments that we will be able to share quickly on our social networks with pride. Almond and apricot bombs, surprise layer cake, rainbow cupcakes, soft white chocolate and blueberries or girl's cake, there's something for everyone! And for the approaching Valentine's Day, why not try the Lover's cake (although it will have to be shared…):

And because we know it's hard to wait to buy the book to get started, we're already revealing a recipe for you, that of Pastel Layer Cake! Don't forget to save us a slice...

"Rainbow cakes" by Aude Royer, Larousse editions, 7.90 euros.

For 8 to 10 people

Preparation:50 min

Cooking:5 x 10 to 12 min

Refrigeration:2 hours

For the sponge cake:

5 eggs

150g caster sugar

150g brown sugar

280 g softened butter

350g flour

2 tbsp. baking powder

2 tbsp. coffee vanilla extract

For the mascarpone cream:

500g mascarpone

200g of Philadelphia®

125g icing sugar

3 tbsp. tablespoon lemon juice

5 gel dyes (pink, purple, yellow, green and blue)

For decoration:^^ multicolored marbles


1 pastry circle (or 1 mould) 15 cm in diameter and 2 cm in height

1 angled spatula

Prepare the sponge cakes. Preheat the oven to 180°C (th. 6). In a large bowl, whisk the eggs with the sugars until the mixture whitens and doubles in volume. Add the butter and mix until smooth. Then add the sifted flour, baking powder and vanilla.

Divide the dough into five equal parts.

Lower the oven to 120°C (th. 4). Grease the pastry circle (or the mold) and place it on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper. Fill it with batter and bake each layer separately for 10-12 minutes. Check for doneness with a knife. The blade should come out dry. Place the sponge cakes on a wire rack and let cool.

Prepare the cream. Using an electric whisk or food processor, vigorously mix the mascarpone, Philadelphia® and icing sugar. Add the lemon juice and mix. Divide the cream into five bowls. With the tip of a knife, drop a little food coloring into each

creams to obtain pastel tones. Be careful when using gels, they are very intense. Stir vigorously. Place the colored creams in the fridge for at least 1 hour.

If the five sponge cakes are too inflated, cut the excess to have very flat surfaces. When they are well cooled, spread a colored cream on each of them using the angled spatula, then place them on top of each other. Be careful not to put too much in the center of the cake, it could unbalance it. Refrigerate the cake for at least 1 hour before serving. Decorate with multicolored beads.