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The Communardises make us discover great restaurants all over France

Have you ever dreamed of being a little mouse and being able to see behind the scenes of great restaurants? Well, it will soon be possible, minus the little mouse aspect. Indeed, on March 24 and 25, 2017, the Fooding Guide is joining forces with San Pellegrino for Les Communardises, a gourmet event that takes place throughout France. The idea? Sharing a meal with the team at 50 restaurants, from the trattoria to the mountain chalet, via the bistro or the tapas bar... There's something for everyone!

User-friendly and accessible

If nearly half of the participating restaurants are in Paris, there are also addresses in Toulouse, Bayonne, Montpellier, Noirmoutier, Clermont-Ferrand, Bordeaux, Megève... The complete list is available on the Grand Fooding Les Communardises website, with each once a description of the establishment, the team, the schedule and the price of the meal (ranging from 20 to 30 € per person). To participate in a meal, you must reserve your place:indeed, only 2 to 6 guests will be welcomed per place... so it is better not to delay! And for Parisians, the party will continue during an after party on Saturday 25 at 11 p.m., in the Daroco restaurant, voted best decor in the Fooding Guide 2017 (€15).

Last good point:part of the profits will be donated to the SOS Méditerranée association. So, where do we book?!