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Aquafaba, the little-known ingredient that replaces egg whites

In cans, legumes are kept in a juice that is not necessarily very appetizing, which we hasten to throw away before cooking them. Let it be said, the chickpea juice, which responds to the sweet name of aquafaba, is to be kept! Acting as a binder/thickener, it makes it possible to dispense with eggs in many recipes, since it is possible to whip it up, just like egg white. In terms of quantity, it takes about two tablespoons of aquafaba to replace an egg white, three if you want to replace a whole egg. Good to know:it keeps for a good week in the refrigerator and can even be frozen.

For vegans… and others!

The main difference with the egg would be at the level of the proteins it contains, but there, difficult to have precise information, except that the aquafaba is a little less rich (but contains it all the same) . In terms of taste, it is rather neutral (unlike the juice contained in the cans of other legumes), so if we don't specify it, no one will realize that our recipe does not contain eggs! Aquafaba is therefore a key food for vegans, but also interesting for those intolerant to eggs, pregnant women without raw eggs for 9 months and those who do not like to throw away.

Here are 5 recipes found on the net to use it in everyday recipes:

Practical Vegan chocolate mousse

The meringue of 1, 2, 3, Veggie!

The floating island of Révolution Végétale

ScienceFork mayonnaise

Chocolate macaroons from Gourmande de Nature

To find out more, do not hesitate to read the book Aquafaba by Sébastien Kardinal and Laura Veganpower.