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Hélène Darroze's summer salad:a tasty recipe with asparagus and burrata from Puglia!

During the summer, we rarely crave hot and heavy dishes. We rather turn to light recipes , fresh and easy to prepare like salads. And that's good, because on the occasion of the release of the second volume of his book “Chez moi” (Le Cherche-Midi editions), devoted to spring and summer recipes,chef Hélène Darroze shared one of her favorite dishes for sunny days:salad with wild asparagus, peas, sorrel and burrata from Puglia. A summer recipe, gourmet and full of flavors!

The recipe for salad with wild asparagus and burrata from Puglia by Hélène Darroze

For 6 people you need:

  • 1 bunch of wild asparagus
  • 3 Apulian burrata, 250g each
  • 250 g extra-fine peas
  • 120 g of sorrel leaves
  • 120 g Kalamata olives
  • 200 g of datterino tomatoes
  • 10 cl of first cold pressed olive oil
  • Coarse salt
  • Fleur de sel and Kampot pepper

Preparation steps:

  1. Clean the asparagus, peas and sorrel under running water. Let them drain in a colander.
  2. On a cutting board, with a knife, cut one centimeter from the tail of the asparagus.
  3. In a saucepan, heat 5 liters of water and add 10 grams of coarse salt. Bring to a boil.
  4. Meanwhile, fill a large bowl with cold water. Add ice cubes to make it icy.
  5. Once the water is boiling, submerge the asparagus for 2 minutes. Adapt the cooking to the size of the asparagus. They must remain crunchy.
  6. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove the asparagus then add them to the ice water for a few seconds to stop the cooking.
  7. Remove them and place them on sheets of paper towel. Leave them like that, out in the open, until the last moment.
  8. Cut the tomatoes in half.
  9. In a salad bowl, add the peas, the tomato pieces, the sorrel and the olives. Season with fleur de sel and Kampot pepper. Add olive oil. Mix gently.
  10. Cut the burrata in half and place them in the dish. Season them. Serve and enjoy!

The chef's tip: if the peas are too big, simply plunge them into boiling water for a few minutes and cool them immediately, like asparagus.

Also read:

Cyril Lignac's cucumber gazpacho:a tasty and super refreshing cold soup recipe!

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