Family Best Time >> Food

Marinated salad and its ground vegetables

  • Preparation:30 min
  • Cooking:15 min
  • Complexity:Medium

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 1.5kg of mussels
  • 350g potatoes
  • 4 slices of Bayonne ham
  • 300g green beans
  • Shallot, onion
  • Chives, parsley
  • 150ml of white wine
  • Olive oil


To start, peel your potatoes, and hull the beans in order to cook everything in a steamer.

Slice your shallot and put it in a pan with a tablespoon of olive oil. Season with pepper to taste, pour in the white wine, and sauté for 4 to 6 minutes, until the mixture simmers.

Wash and rinse the mussels in several waters, to be sure to remove any sand or other element that would be unpleasant in the mouth. Then add them to the mixture, put a lid on and cook until the mussels are all covered.

Strip your onion of its layers of skin, and cut it into thin rings. Also cut the chives so as to obtain very fine pieces.

Collect your potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Also prepare your ham by breaking it down into strips.

Your mussels should then be ready, so you can put them in a colander, making sure to catch the juice. Let cool so as not to burn yourself, and shell the mussels.

When ready to serve, equip yourself with 4 soup plates, and spread the green beans and the potato slices, the ham strips and the onions. You can then add the mussels, and sprinkle them with juice. Sprinkle with the chives and parsley, salt and pepper as desired.