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A recipe from Baron Elie de Rothschild

A recipe from Baron Elie de Rothschild

Chamois and deer brain bread


500 g brains 2/3 chamois and 1/3 venison, 120 g butter, 4 eggs, salt, pepper, nutmeg, 225 g thick béchamel sauce:with 100 g of flour, 3 egg yolks, 75 g of melted butter, 2 pinches of salt and 2 pinches of pepper, 1 dash of grated nutmeg, 2 dl of milk

Steam the brains, previously disgorged, cleaned and cut into cutlets, in butter.

Meanwhile, make a thick béchamel sauce. Work in the flour, egg yolks and melted butter, season and stir little by little with the boiling milk. Set the sauce and work it over the heat for 5 minutes. Let cool.

Take the steamed brains and pass them through a blender, incorporate 120 g of butter, 225 g of seasoned thick béchamel and add the 4 eggs, one by one. Pass through a fine sieve and work to bind.

Optional:when cooking, add 50 g of fresh raw truffle in thin slices and a salpicon of chamois tongue and venison, in equal proportion (100 g).

To cook, pour the mixture into a buttered charlotte mould, poach in a bain-marie for 30 to 40 minutes then leave to rest for 10 minutes and unmold the bread on the dish served with a supreme mushroom sauce.

Source:Small and large dishes at Denoel