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Monkfish bourride with red basil aioli

Monkfish bourride with red basil aioli

Prep 20 minutes Cook:25 minutes

For 4 people:

2 kg monkfish tail, 1 onion, 1 lettuce, 1 stalk of celery,

3 white leeks, 1 bunch of Swiss chard, 2 tbsp olive oil, 12 cl white wine, aioli, chervil, salt, ground pepper .

Aioli:1/2 head of purple garlic, 1 egg yolk, 18 cl olive oil, 1 bunch of red basil.

  • Crush the garlic in a mortar with the egg yolk, whisk in the olive oil. Finely chop the red basil leaves and add them to the aioli. Salt and pepper.
  • Peel the anglerfish and cut it into pieces without the central bone.
  • Wash and peel the vegetables. Peel the onion, chop it as well as the lettuce, celery, leeks and chard. In a saucepan, cook all the vegetables in olive oil over low heat for about 5 minutes, add the white wine, salt and pepper. Cook for another ten minutes. Lay the pieces of monkfish on the vegetables, simmer for another 10 minutes covered.
  • Drain the vegetables and monkfish from their juices, arrange them on a warm serving platter.
  • Bind the juice with the aioli, coat the monkfish with this sauce. Sprinkle with finely chopped chervil.
  • Serve with steamed fingerling potatoes or fresh pasta.