Family Best Time >> Food

Puff pastry of fresh sardines with belly bacon rolled with Basque spices

Ingredients:6 people
  • puff pastry rolled out with a rolling pin
    250 g
  • fresh sardines already done in fillets
    800 g
  • beef heart tomatoes, ripe but firm
    300 g
  • belly (breast) rolled with Basque spices and cut into thin lardons
    250 g
  • olive oil
    2 tablespoons
  • flat parsley
  • salt, ground pepper

  • Preparation time:25 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 2]

Preheat the oven to 240°C ( th-8 ).

Cut the tomatoes into slices.

Prick the dough, leaving an edge of about 3 cm around it. Place on a silpat or parchment paper and place on the baking sheet. Put the tomato slices on the pricked dough, add 1 tablespoon of olive oil, salt.

Arrange the star-shaped sardines on top, tails towards the centre. Drizzle with a tablespoon of olive oil, salt and ground pepper.

Put in the oven for 15 minutes.

Brown the bacon bits in a pan and chop the flat-leaf parsley.

Remove the pie from the oven, lower the oven temperature to th-5, sprinkle with bacon bits and flat-leaf parsley and return to the oven for 10 minutes.

Serve hot.

Puff pastry of fresh sardines with belly bacon rolled with Basque spices