Family Best Time >> Food

Mille-feuilles of leeks with belly rolled with Basque spices, fresh tomato coulis

Ingredients:4 people
  • leeks
  • butter
  • rolled breast with Basque spices
    140 g
  • whipping cream
    5 cl
  • sheets of pastry
  • fresh tomato coulis
  • salt, ground pepper

  • Preparation time:30 minutes
  • Cooking time:15 minutes

Shorten the green of the leeks, wash them in several waters, then slice them and boil them *, drain while pressing.

Put 40 g of butter in a sauté pan, sweat until the leeks become transparent, set aside.

Melt the thinly sliced ​​belly in a dry pan until crispy, then add the leek fondue.

Cut rectangles of 12 cm by 5 in the pastry sheets, butter them with a brush and brown in the oven

Reheat the leek fondue by adding the cream, add a little butter and winnow out of the heat, salt and pepper from the mill.

Lay out a pastry sheet, place a spoonful of leeks on top, add another sheet, then a little leek, finish with a pastry sheet.

Surround with a tomato coulis.

* Salted boiling water