Family Best Time >> Food

Crazy salad by Jacques Manière

  • half-cooked duck foie gras
    250 g
  • lobster
    1 x 600g
  • seaweed
    1 large handful
  • truffle
    1 x 30 g
  • green beans
    200 g
  • mixed salads
    300 g
  • chervil
    3 sprigs
  • Guérande flower of salt
  • milled white pepper
  • freeze-dried pink berries
    a few
  • sunflower oil
    5 tablespoons
  • hazelnut oil
    1 tablespoon
  • sherry vinegar
    3 tablespoons
  • chopped chervil
    3 tbsp
  • salt, ground pepper

  • Preparation time:20 minutes
  • Cooking time:25 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 3]

Heat 1.5 liters of water in the lower basket of a steamer. Place a layer of seaweed on aluminum foil, place the lobster on top, cover with seaweed, completely enclose the lobster by wrapping it in the foil and steam it in the perforated basket, lid closed, for 25 minutes.

After 10 minutes of cooking put the stemmed green beans in the perforated basket. Continue cooking, then let the lobster cool, plunge the green beans into cold water to stop the cooking and drain them.

Break open the lobster carcass, cut the tail into medallions and remove the meat from the legs.

Wash and dry the lettuce.

Cut the foie gras into thin slices.

Line a large serving platter with salad. Arrange the lobster, foie gras, green beans, sliced ​​truffle and chervil harmoniously.

Sprinkle with fleur de sel, pepper and crushed pink peppercorns.

Emulsify all the elements of the sauce in a bowl and coat the salad. Serve the rest in a sauce boat.

A great cook who arrived in the kitchen late, starting at the bottom of the ladder (dishwashing) he won the best titles in gastronomic catering, in particular the golden rooster, the three toques of Gault and Millau, etc. . He makes real new cuisine by reinventing the cooking method common in Asia but which remained ignored by many in France:steam.

To my late friend Jacques Manière, renowned cook who left us much too soon .

Crazy salad by Jacques Manière