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The 3 Best Cooking Methods to Favor to Digest Well.

The 3 Best Cooking Methods to Favor to Digest Well.

Cooking plays a big role in the digestion of the food we eat.

Some modify the nutritional qualities of our meals, others preserve them.

Steaming, wok and casserole are to be preferred to preserve our digestion and our health.

Cooking results in a loss of certain essential nutrients such as vitamins. To preserve them, and digest them well, it is better to favor cooking at low temperatures.

The 3 Best Cooking Methods to Favor to Digest Well.

1. Steam cooking

I prefer it to cook my fish, my rice and my vegetables. this cooking makes my food very tender and has the privilege of not altering the flavor of my dish. In any case, when I have a few extra pounds, it's the only cooking I use! This is THE dietetic cooking.

2. Wok cooking

For a little more crunch and for a little faster cooking, the wok is best. I use it to sauté my vegetables with pieces of meat or for my special dishes like risotto or Asian dishes with soy sauce or coconut milk. I'm still careful not to raise the temperature too high.

3. Casserole cooking

When I have time or guests come, I opt for casserole cooking which ensures tenderness and flavor of my stew, my goulash or even my tagine and without adding fat.

4. For barbecue fans

Cooked at too high a temperature, food develops carcinogenic substances. Barbecue and fried foods should therefore be avoided as much as possible for better digestion. I don't prevent myself from having good barbecues all the same.

But I then prefer a cooking temperature below 220°C, that is to say that my grill is at least 10 cm minimum from the embers. I also opt for a grade A clean charcoal.

To sum up, the more the food is cooked at a low temperature, the more your food will be digestible. Enjoy your meal :-). And you, what kind of cooking do you prefer at home? Are you more steam or barbecue? Tell us in the comments.