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Bounty cake recipe

Bounty cake recipe

When you see the picture, you want to eat this cake right? You can make it yourself with Sanne van Rooij's recipe from her book Easy Vegan.

Sanne:'You can make the tastiest things from chocolate and coconut. Think, for example, of a bounty smoothie, bounty bars or a bounty cake! The latter is one of my showpieces. This cake is so delicious that everyone who eats it suddenly becomes a bit enthusiastic about plant-based food. Because:"Hey, if this is vegan, then the rest will not be too bad!" Do you get to eat friends or family and do you really want to serve them something special? Then this bounty cake is an option.'

Ingredients for 8 people
Preparation time 20 minutes – waiting time 1 night

  • 200 g dates
  • 125 g walnuts
  • 125 g grated coconut
  • 125 g cashew nuts
  • 400 ml full coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 2 tbsp maple syrup
  • 150 g dark chocolate


  • Kitchen machine

Preparation method

  1. Put the dates, walnuts and 75 grams grated coconut in your food processor and mix until everything sticks together. Press this into the baking pan and put it in the fridge.
  2. Boil the cashew nuts for 10 minutes until they are soft and put them, together with 200 ml coconut milk, coconut oil, the remaining 50 grams of coconut grater and maple syrup in the food processor. Grind everything fine. Spoon this on the bottom of the coconut pie and put it back in the fridge.
  3. Pour the remaining 200 ml coconut milk in a saucepan and heat. Break the pieces of chocolate and stir them into the coconut milk. Stir until completely melted. Pour over the coconut layer of the bounty pie and put it in the fridge overnight.

Bounty cake recipe Enjoy your meal!

This is a recipe from the book Easy Vegan by Sanne van Rooij (€20, Kosmos Uitgevers). Sanne wants to inspire as many people as possible to eat plant-based more often. Curious how she does that? You can read her story in the Santé, which will be in stores from October 10.