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Does eating vegetables for breakfast help with sugar cravings?

Does eating vegetables for breakfast help with sugar cravings?

Do you have a craving for sweets all day long? You're not alone... But it seems we've found the solution:Eating vegetables for breakfast could help you avoid sugar cravings during the day. Is that really the case and how come? We'll explain that to you here!

Vegetables for breakfast

Yes, it can certainly help to eat vegetables for breakfast. There are a number of reasons why they can help combat your sugar cravings. Not to mention the fact that they are of course very healthy!

Read also :'6 ways to eat vegetables for breakfast'

1. Bitter vegetables help against the need for sugar

Bitter vegetables – such as arugula, Brussels sprouts, kale, etc. – reduce the need for sugar. They have an effect on the way our body interprets cravings and cravings. Particles in plants bind bitter receptors, increase saliva and stimulate the production of digestive juices from the stomach and pancreas. Our taste receptors for bitter taste have an effect on the hormones that regulate hunger and appetite, according to a 2015 study. Participants who took a capsule with a bitter ingredient ate fewer calories and had higher hormone levels of CCK, a hormone that suppresses your appetite. . Because of this, eating bitter vegetables can help reduce sugar cravings.

2. Vegetables help to balance your blood sugar level

Another reason to add vegetables to your breakfast is their effect on your blood sugar levels, which can greatly influence your sugar cravings. Especially high-fiber vegetables can satisfy your sugar cravings. Sugar cravings happen when your blood sugar drops, which often happens when you skip a meal or eat a meal that doesn't contain enough protein and fiber. When we eat a balanced breakfast that contains vegetables with a high fiber content, it can balance your blood sugar levels and possibly prevent sugar cravings later in the day. Which vegetables should you think about? Beans, peas, Brussels sprouts and leafy vegetables.

3. Vegetables make you full faster

Vegetables contain more nutrients than, for example, sweet baked goods. Since vegetables contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and minerals, it is not surprising that eating vegetables for breakfast can ensure that you are full and satisfied. That, of course, means that you don't feel like eating sugar-rich baking. For example, add spinach to your breakfast. It is full of vitamins, minerals and fiber and you can easily work through different breakfasts. Think of an omelette or a tasty smoothie. The vitamins and minerals help provide your body with essential nutrients you need to function optimally, while the fiber helps you feel full.