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Recipe for breakfast with yellow kiwi

Tomorrow you will have breakfast with this delicious breakfast.

Ingredients for 2 persons
– 4 Zespri Sungold kiwis
– 2 tablespoons icing sugar
– 1 tablespoon water
– 1 sweet potato
– 250 grams oat flakes
– 250 grams low-fat quark
– Handful of blueberries
– Honey to taste

Possible preparation
Peel 2 yellow kiwis and cut them into thin slices. Place the kiwi slices on an oven tray and let them dry in the oven at 80 degrees for 6 hours. Let them cool and cut them into strings.

Get started
1. peel 2 yellow kiwis and cut them into cubes.
2. Heat a pan and add two tablespoons of icing sugar. Wait until it turns light brown and add the kiwi and 2 tablespoons of water. Boil it for 2 minutes and keep stirring until it becomes a compote.
3. Peel the sweet potato and peel or grate it as finely as possible. Blanch the sweet potato in a pan of boiling water. Then rinse them with ice cold water and drain the sweet potato.
5. Spoon the cottage cheese into bowls and stir in the oats. Add a few blueberries, followed by yellow kiwi compote and garnish with the dried kiwi and sweet potato. You can make it a bit sweeter with honey.