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Cheese snacks for long evenings with friends (and kids)

Long evenings. Or early Sunday afternoons. Wonderful to spend with the family, relatives or friends. With us it's a regular thing to put a nice cheese on the table. I like a nice long drink, with all kinds of snacks, including the cheese snacks, of which I will show you 2 delicious variants in a moment. And the joke is that Daughter takes over. It doesn't bubble, but the cheese snacks do. She also finds it so fun! And it fits perfectly with all seasons!

Tip:This is a nice weather tip. That nice drink, you can do that at home, but what is also very nice, for example, is to just meet friends at a playground. Near us you have a playground, with a petting zoo and a huge patch of grass with some trees here and there. The playground and petting zoo are for the kids, the grass for the moms and dads 😉 . Bring a large picnic blanket, a bottle of chilled bubbles, lemonade for the children and delicious snacks and you're done.

Table of Contents

Nice drinks with friends

Of course you divide the tasks with your friends. Everyone makes something, and I usually make the cheese snacks that everyone likes so much. We then start at about three o'clock in the afternoon. Everyone has been able to do their own thing in the morning, ranging from sports to shopping and from cleaning to odd jobs around the house. Well… we are in that age category. A little later in the afternoon everyone can be poked for fun! And the children? They can indulge themselves together.

Cheese snacks

Well, as I said, I often like cheese snacks (and my hubby the meatballs. The biggest favorite in our group of friends is the cheese snack with fig chutney. If you know how it works, it's not even that difficult to make. Fortunately , the more time there is left to have a drink.

KALTBACH Le Gruyère AOP, snack

Below I tell you what you need for this snack. I do want to indicate that it really is a snack to combine with a drink or wine. Then the flavors come out a lot better than if you just drink Coke with it. A tip for a delicious cocktail can be found further on. Want to know more about Emmi KALTBACH herself? Then take a look here.

Ingredients le Gruyère cheese snack

  • 100 grams dried soaked figs
  • KALTBACH Le Gruyère AOP
  • 1 outing
  • 10 grams of butter
  • a dash of sherry (about 50 ml)
  • a splash of balsamic vinegar
  • the juice of 1 orange
  • teaspoon of cane sugar
  • For some extra flavour:2 teaspoons grated orange peel

Preparation of this delicious snack

Peel the onion and chop it. Cut the soaked figs into small wedges, remove the stem beforehand. Saute the onions in the butter for a few minutes over a low heat until translucent. When these are ready, you can add the fig wedges and, after stirring, also the rest of the ingredients (except the cheese!).

Let it simmer for about 10 minutes with the lid on the pan. Finished? Then take the lid off the pan and let the mixture boil for a while. Then let the mixture cool down and your fig chutney is ready.

I like to serve the KALTBACH Le Gruyère AOP on a piece of almond-fig bread. You add the chutney and you have a delicious and very luxurious cheese snack!

Serve extra nicely?

If you want to make it extra beautiful, you can cut nice shapes out of the almond-fig bread and the cheese. This time I chose the star variant, stolen from my daughter's clay box. Just wash it well, of course, and then the plug can be used straight away. The le Gruyère cheese is easy to stick out and for the almond-fig bread I use a knife to cut along the shape.

Or just on a shelf

Tip:No almond-fig bread at home but puff pastry? Then you can also make a small container of some puff pastry in which you put the chutney and then 'crumb' the cheese in small pieces.

Making a puff pastry tray for the cheese snacks?

You can make that puff pastry tray by draping a layer of frozen puff pastry in a small baking tin. Bake as indicated in the instructions on the box and you're done! I personally only find the first version on the fig bread the best.

A suitable cocktail with these cheese snacks?

Not in the mood for bubbles or just a glass of wine? Then make the 12 months Delight cocktail. Earlier I wrote an article about cheese and cocktails, in response to the Bols-Emmi event I had been to. Then I made the Date Old Fashioned there, which goes very well with the Emmi KALTBACH creamy. The 12 months Delight is a delicious cocktail for the  KALTBACH Le Gruyère AOP, hence.

Ingredients needed for the 12 months delight

  • 30ml Bols Barrel Aged Genever
  • 20ml Oloroso Sherry
  • 3dashes Walnut bitters
  • 10ml Sugar syrup
  • ice cream

Preparation cocktail

Start with the Walnut bitters and the sugar syrup. Stir briefly. Add some ice cubes and then the Sherry. Stir again. Then add the jenever in 2 15 ml splashes. In between, add a few cubes of ice and stir again to mix the flavors. Finally, top with ice cubes and your delicious cocktail is ready.

Tip:Adding extra ice cubes does not give you an extra chance of diluting your cocktail. All the other ice stays colder, which means it melts less quickly! Adding a little cane sugar to this cocktail is also delicious!

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