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Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)

Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)
At the end of autumn, I reveal a new recipe to taste with a smile on your face .

Gluten-free and lactose-free rolled pancakes filled with smoked trout from the Ovive brand and decorated with a delicious sauce…
An opportunity to have fun and awaken the taste buds of your guests thanks to this healthy cuisine ideal to adopt before the festivities of December… Discovery.

Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)

Gluten-free and lactose-free smoked trout rolled pancakes

Ingredients for 2 people
50 g rice flour
35 g buckwheat flour
1 egg
15 cl of rice milk
10 g of vegetable margarine
1 tomato
2 spring onions
100 g shredded vegan cheese
200 g silken tofu
4 tablespoons of chopped chives
4 nice slices of Ovive smoked trout
20 cl of cream of rice
1 squeeze of lemon juice
1 jar of Ovive trout eggs

Steps of preparation

1/ In a saucepan, melt the vegetable margarine until it turns hazelnut in color then leave to cool.
In a bowl, mix the rice flour and the buckwheat flour in the rice milk.
Add the egg previously beaten in an omelette then, a little vegetable margarine and salt.
Let the dough rest for 30 minutes then make them bake.

2/ Wash the tomato and cut it into quarters.
Remove the seeds and finely dice the flesh.
Remove the tops from the spring onions and cut them finely.

3/ Pour the tomatoes and onions into a salad bowl, add the grated vegan cheese, silken tofu and chives. Salt, pepper and mix.


4/ Spread a crepe then spread it with the ricotta mixture and top with a slice of Ovive smoked trout. Roll the pancake on itself quite tight.

5/ With a knife, cut both ends then cut the Ovive Smoked Trout Pancakes in half. Arrange in a dish and refrigerate before serving.

6/ Prepare a sauce by mixing the liquid cream with a squeeze of lemon juice and the Ovive trout eggs.
7/ To finish, decorate the bottom of the plate with the sauce and place the rolled pancakes. Serve immediately!

Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)
Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)

Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)
Pancakes rolled with smoked trout (gluten-free &lactose-free)