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7 tips from Big Fernand for a successful homemade burger

We know it:burgers are fatty and should not be abused. Yes, but here it is… We love it and since we tasted Big Fernand’s “hamburgers”, we find our homemade burgers a bit bland. As a result, we asked Steve Burggraf, the co-founder of the brand, to give us some tips so that our homemade burgers are tastier, more gourmet… more Big Fernand what!

1/ For the meat, it's good to chop it yourself, 3 hours maximum before making the burger. We then reform a steak (practical to adapt to the size of the bun!) that we integrate into the burger.

2/ For more flavor, put the buns in the oven before making the burger:2 minutes at 120°C is enough.

3/ Making your own sauce makes all the difference. There are plenty of recipes on the net, so no excuse... (and in reality, it's not very complicated!)

4/ If you want to include herbs in the recipe (basil, thyme, chives…), always choose them fresh, not frozen.

5/ We often mistakenly think that since the cheese is mixed with the other ingredients, it is not very important… it is wrong! A good burger often goes through a good cheese, which is preferably chosen with raw milk.

6/ Caramelize the meat on both sides in a pan, with sweet soy sauce.

7/ And obviously, who says homemade burger says homemade fries. Potatoes or sweet potatoes, they are easy to make and you can season them as you like (at Big Fernand, it's with paprika or Provence herbs).

So we test? Otherwise, we can always fall back on one of Big Fernand's addresses all over France...