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Wedding:a cake made up of many desserts as garnishes

The cake is one of the key elements of a successful wedding. The latest trend in the field, watercolor (and pastel!) cakes, seemed to be made for art lovers. There is now a pastry that will surely satisfy the great gourmands (more so than the traditional wedding cakes already do):the cake with a thousand and one desserts! Made by Londoner Reshmi Bennett, head of
Sugar Angels, it brings together a large number of pastries, sweets and confectionery that many love. “Rather than limiting the filling to the traditional profiteroles and macaroons, I thought that having a whole set of desserts would be much more satisfying for the eyes, but also for the stomach “, confides the professional to the site
Delish .

Donuts, ice cream and much more

The dessert recipe, which measures almost a meter high, is kept secret, but we know that Reshmi Bennett spends several days preparing the dough, creating the layers and giving it this unicorn horn shape. And the hardest part remains to be done:she herself makes all the elements that give the structure all these colors. Raspberry macaroons, sweet popcorn, cream-filled éclairs, Ferrero Rocher flavored mini ice cream cones, flower-shaped meringue, donuts, chocolate profiteroles… And we stop there, we wouldn't want to torture you any longer. The preparation takes in all and for all 3 whole days, which is why the pastry chef has limited herself to creating only one per month.

Well, no need to specify that we are largely convinced... And a major advantage:the guests are spoiled for choice!