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Mc Donald's releases a vegan burger in Norway

The more time passes, the more vegetarian and even vegan food seems to appeal to consumers (partly in particular because of the scandals in slaughterhouses in recent years). In addition to the population, restaurants and fast food outlets are also getting involved. After offering vegetarian burgers in some countries, Mc Donald's has just released a 100% vegan burger in Norway. It's the Veggie McSpice, a normal burger, except instead of meat there's a patty of red beans, carrots, green peppers and onions. . In its classic version, the hamburger is vegetarian, but it is possible to order it without cheese, which makes it a vegan option. The burger is obviously cooked separately from other meat or fish sandwiches. It has been available in Norway since April 26, 2017.

Many countries conquered by the vegetarian option

India is one of the most vegetarian countries in the world, there 40% of the population does not eat meat. This is why Indian Mc Donald's offer many vegetarian options, even vegan if you remove the cheese:Mc Veggie, Veg Maharaja Mac, Veg Supreme McMuffin and Veg McMuffin. Other countries such as Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, Sweden or Finland also offer vegetarian sandwiches (where the steak is generally replaced by a pancake mixing vegetables such as peas, green beans and carrots ). In France, a 100% cheese burger was offered in a limited edition, but it is no longer available.

We hope that a vegetarian option (and why not vegan?!) will soon appear. We also want to taste this Veggie McSpice!