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An American pastry chef transforms her pies into real masterpieces!

Art and creation can be found everywhere, even in simple pies and Lauren Ko is living proof of that. This 30-year-old pastry chef, originally from San Diego, offers artistic pies of a new kind. She arranges the fruits in the most artistic way possible, then shapes the crust or simply the dough of her cakes to create geometric patterns. The result is modern and truly stunning. Just 6 months after launching her Instagram account, she now has 161,000 subscribers who must be delighted with her pies, so beautiful that you almost wouldn't want to eat them!

Pies with an original taste

Lauren offers both sweet and savory pies and her creativity is also expressed in the tastes and the mixture of atypical flavors! We then discover with surprise his famous strawberry and sweet potato pie, the one with white carrots and sesame, the one with lemonade and mango or the one with sausage, cheddar and apple! Unpublished creations that we would love to taste... Only problem, the young woman is now based in Seattle, suddenly, to see them in person, you will have to book a ticket for the United States!

We let you, without further ado discover, the superb tarts of Lauren Ko: