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Summer fruits in gin jelly with almond sticks

Summer fruits in gin jelly with almond sticks

For about 6 people:500g currants, 300g raspberries, 150g caster sugar, 6 sheets of gelatin, 150g blueberries, 100g blackberries , 250 g apricots, 100 g blackcurrants, 3 cl gin, 110 g "almond sticks .

Put the gelatin in cold water to soften it. Wash the redcurrants, destem them, put them and the raspberries in a blender, then pass through a cheesecloth strainer (Chinese), in a saucepan.

Add the caster sugar, bring to the boil over low heat.

Add the gin and incorporate the gelatine leaves while stirring. Let cool.

Pass the almond sticks over high heat in a non-stick pan to brown them slightly.

Wash the rest of the fruit.

In a galantine mold (white terrine) pour 1 cm of the fruit coulis, add some mixed fruit and set in the freezer, then add a new layer of coulis and fruit and so on as the layers harden, until the terrine is completely filled.

Serve in slices on a plate, accompany with the remaining coulis and some fruit that you have kept for decoration, sprinkle with almond sticks.