Family Best Time >> Food

Prune tart

Ingredients:4 people
  • flour
    100 g
  • powdered sugar
    1 tablespoon
  • butter
  • water
    about 1 glass
  • salt
    1 pinch
  • prunes
    300 g
  • very strong tea
    1 litre
  • apricot marmalade
    4 tablespoons
  • Cointreau
    2 tablespoons

  • 12 for rest
  • Preparation time:35 minutes
  • Cooking time:30 ( th. 7/8 – 250°C )

Make a very concentrated tea infusion.

Soak well-washed prunes for 12 hours in this tea.

Cut the butter into small pieces, mix it with the flour. Add salt, sugar and just enough water to obtain a fairly soft dough.

Roll into a ball without kneading and let rest.

Stone the prunes.

Roll out the dough to 3mm thick.

Line a lightly buttered tart pan. Arrange the prunes on the dough tightly.

Bake in very hot oven.

Out of the oven, spread the apricot marmalade loosened in Cointreau over the still warm tart.

This pie can be eaten either hot or cold.

Prune tart

Source:Les Bons Desserts. Claire Mignières.