I don't know about you, but I hate cutting onions into small ones parts.
Not only does it make you cry and your fingers smell bad...
...but what's more, it's long and complicated to slice perfectly!
Fortunately, there is a pro trick to finely chop an onion in just 30 seconds flat.
Plus, you don't even have to touch the onion with your fingers anymore!
The quick and easy trick is to use a simple metal afro comb . Watch:
1. Cut your onion in half.
2. Plant the afro comb in the half of an onion.
3. Take your knife.
4. Pass your knife between each peak of the comb.
5. Turn the onion and cut one side into strips.
6. Do the same on the other side.
There you go, you have sliced your onion in 30 seconds flat :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
It's still better than spending 3 hours trying to cut it finely...
Plus, no more odors on your fingers!
Save time in the kitchen with each cut onion.
Obviously this technique works for all types of onions:white, red and yellow.
When you slice an onion very finely, the onion often tends to slip between your fingers.
With an Afro comb to hold it, no more onions that move in all directions!
The comb is perfect to have a good maintenance of the bunion.
Sliced onions are super good in lots of recipes, especially in a good burger!