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Recipe:Smoothie bowl from The Happiness Café

Linsey studied Financial Management, found a job in marketing, but decided to give it up last year. She went back to her hometown of Eindhoven and will open the doors of The Happiness Café there next month. Here she is giving away one of the recipes from the menu as a foretaste.

Linsey: 'At The Happiness Café we work with 100% natural products, so no e-numbers, fragrances, colors or flavourings, but honest and pure products, mainly grown on organic farms. The motto is therefore:Home Of Healthy Living; we create a 'second' home, where everyone is welcome:whether you have allergies, follow a certain diet or simply have a passion for pure, honest and healthy products.

My goal is to show people that healthy eating doesn't have to be boring or 'not tasty'. At The Happiness Café we closely follow trends in New York, Hong Kong &Bali, among others, in order to bring the most delicious dishes to the Netherlands. That is why, in addition to chia pudding and a bowl of classic oatmeal porridge, our breakfast menu also includes the so-called 'smoothie bowls'. Smoothie bowls are still relatively unknown in the Netherlands, while they are super tasty &nutritious and therefore too good to keep for ourselves!

What is a smoothie bowl?
Very simple! A smoothie, but in a bowl. You still get the same vitamins &minerals, but because you 'chew' now, the enzymes in your mouth can do their job better and your body is better able to absorb nutrients. You can also decorate your smoothie bowl with your favorite toppings:from organic muesli to nuts, coconut chips and chocolate chunks.

One of our smoothie bowls is the 'Raw Chocolate &Nuts Bowl'. Made from 100% natural ingredients, suitable for vegans and delicious at any time of the day!

What do you need?

  • 1/4th cup of hazelnuts, soaked for 30 minutes (or longer) in water
  • 1 frozen organic banana
  • 2 tablespoons raw cocoa
  • 3/4 cup almond milk (or other milk of your choice)
  • 4 medjool dates, pitted
  • 2 tablespoons hemp protein powder (if you eat vegan, otherwise protein powder made from whey can also)

Recipe:Smoothie bowl from The Happiness Café Getting started
Combine all ingredients in a power blender or food processor and blend until a creamy, soft mass is formed. Garnish your bowl with toppings of your choice, such as raw cocoa and coconut chips.'

Curious when Linsey's hotspot opens? Keep an eye on the website and Facebook page of The Happiness Café.

Need more inspiration for a smoothie bowl?>>