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Recipe for salad with red quinoa, variegated beets and avocado

Beets can be used all year round. Because did you know that there are winter and summer beets? The difference is that summer beets are smaller. This recipe is delicious in the summer.

Ingredients for 4 people
Preparation time 45 minutes

  • 150 g red quinoa
  • 10 small beets in different colors
  • 1 large stalk of rhubarb
  • 3 tbsp butter
  • 1 splash of apple juice
  • 100 ml beet juice
  • 4 tbsp (apple) vinegar
  • 1 handful of arugula
  • 1 avocado
  • 125 ml crème frache
  • lemon juice
  • cayenne pepper
  • 2 tbsp olive oil

Get started
Rinse the quinoa and drain. Boil in salted water for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and let it soak for another 10 minutes. Spoon the quinoa into a bowl and let it cool.

Meanwhile, peel the beets. Boil them in salted water for 10 minutes. Let drain and cool. Clean the rhubarb and cut the stem into slices. In a saucepan, bring the beet juice to a boil with 2 tbsp vinegar. Reduce by half and then cool. Rinse the arugula clean, shake it dry well and tear the lettuce into pieces if necessary. Halve and peel the avocado, remove the pit. Mash the avocado with a fork.

Mix 1 tbsp crème frache with the avocado puree and season with lemon juice, cayenne pepper and salt. Stir the rest of the crème frache into the cooled beet juice and season with salt. Stir the oil with the rest of the vinegar and salt and freshly ground pepper to taste into the quinoa. Fry the rhubarb briefly in 1 tbsp butter. Deglaze with the apple juice and scoop the rhubarb into a bowl. Wipe the pan clean with paper towels and melt the rest of the butter in it. Also briefly heat the beets in the butter.

Use two spoons to form oval mounds of the quinoa salad and avocado cream on the plates. Add the rhubarb and beets on the side. Garnish with the beetroot cream and some arugula.

Enjoy your meal!

In the June issue of Santé you will find more tasty dishes with beets.