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Quick, an appetite suppressant recipe!

An anti-craving banana milkshake

Despite a session of

Kitchen:ultra-light mimosa eggs

You come home from work with only one idea in mind:to decorate the bag of chips that catches your eye in the cupboard. Bad idea:bet instead on an appetite suppressant recipe that revisits deviled eggs! Thanks to this recipe, you will overcome your cravings and you will be less hungry at dinner time. Cut 2 hard-boiled eggs in half, and remove the yolks. Mix these yolks with half a 0% Swiss roll, a little mustard and a little chives, then fill each half-egg with this preparation. And There you go ! Practical and easy, this appetite suppressant recipe will easily find its place on a light tapas platter.

A lentil salad to avoid cravings

Dinner time still seems far away, but your stomach is already crying out for food? Satisfy your cravings with arugula lentil salad! Drain and rinse the equivalent of a large can of lentils, wash a good handful of rocket leaves. Make a light vinaigrette with 2 tablespoons cider vinegar, a little water and a drizzle of olive oil, season the lentils. Add the arugula and 100g of diced feta, and you're done!