Family Best Time >> Food

Pressed melting and crunchy vegetables

Ingredients:12/15 servings
  • button mushrooms
    500 g
  • fresh beans
    500 g
  • macau artichokes
    500 g
  • pink radishes
    1 bunch
  • white radishes
    300 g
  • shallots
  • pure olive oil
    3 tablespoons
  • red wine vinegar
    2 tablespoons
  • lemon juice
  • chard
    1 kg
  • chicken stock
    1 1/2 glass
  • diced tomatoes
    500 g
  • gelatin (9g)
    10 sheets
  • green beans
    300 g
  • chervil, basil, chives, dill.
  • thyme
    a few sprigs
  • butter
  • maniguette
  • salt and ground pepper
  • guinea pepper

  • Preparation time:40 minutes
  • Cooking time:20 minutes

Difficulty:[usr 3]

Put the diced tomatoes in the vinegar with the thyme, salt and pepper, add the slightly warmed olive oil.

Cook the artichokes in a white (water + flour), recover the bottoms, escaloper. Cook the beans in English style as well as the carrots and white radishes cut into 1 cm strips and the green beans. Cut the mushrooms into large brunoise and blanch them, cut the pink radishes into brunoise. Chop the shallots. Separate the chard ribs from the leaves, the latter blanched then drained and used to line the buttered terrine.

The ribs are cooked in boiling salted water and cut into fairly long pieces. The warm chicken stock is bound with the gelatin, the chopped herbs are added.

Remove the bean shells.

In a galantine mold (porcelain) buttered and lined with chard leaves, place a first layer of chard ribs, moisten with a spoonful of broth, add a layer of sliced ​​artichoke bottoms, then a spoonful of broth , then a bed of candied tomatoes, followed by a layer of white radishes always wetting each layer with a spoonful of broth, a new bed of candied tomatoes, followed by a layer of white radishes, then a layer of carrots , a layer of mushrooms and to finish a layer of chard (be careful, all these vegetables must be wrung out otherwise the terrine will collapse when cut).

Close the terrine with the chard leaves, press evenly, leave to set in the refrigerator overnight.

On the other hand, coarsely chop basil leaves and stems, cover with olive oil, leave to marinate for at least 8 hours, then strain, add lemon juice, salt and pepper.

Presentation:Cut a slice of terrine, place it in the center of a plate, add a few broad beans and brunoise of pink radishes around it, the rest of the chopped herbs and a sprig of dill, drizzle the terrine with lemon basil oil and give a few turns of the Guinea pepper mill.

Note:Use very fine or fine green beans, but not extra-fine ones, or coconuts but especially not mini snow peas.

Pressed melting and crunchy vegetables

Chef Hubert's culinary ideas