Fries, fries, always fries...
Are you tired of always eating them with salt and ketchup?
This is a good alternative.
I was very surprised to see my mother making me fries last week.
Yes, she put oil for the fryer, and yes she had prepared the fries in a salad bowl on the side.
But strangely enough, she adds an ingredient directly in the oil of the fries which gives them a successful taste ...
To avoid always eating fries the same way (me, I always eat them with ketchup, yes hello diet!), my mom discovered a new recipe worthy of Top Chef!
Come on, I tell you everything.
- A bowl of fries filled halfway
- 5 unpeeled garlic cloves
1. Prepare your oil for the fries.
2. Add the unpeeled garlic cloves in the oil of the fries.
3. Cook your fries as usual.
4. Discard the garlic cloves.
5. Enjoy, it's ready!
There you go, your fries are ready :-)
I, who was tired of eating fries the same way, was pleasantly surprised.
Simple, easy and economical!
So not only do you have crispy fries, but your fries are also deliciously flavored.
The fries taste very good. Even Norbert would be amazed! In addition, garlic is very good for your health.
You can also use your potatoes to make good old-fashioned crisps.
You can add as many garlic cloves as you want.
It depends on your tastes, but also on the amount of fries in the fryer. The more fries there are, the more cloves of garlic will have to be added.
Me, I put 5 for a bowl of fries half filled. And it works for making fresh homemade fries, but also frozen fries.