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I Perfume My Olives Myself for a Colorful and Economic Aperitif.

I Perfume My Olives Myself for a Colorful and Economic Aperitif.

Spicy, herbal or garlicky, fragrant olives are always sold at hallucinating prices on the markets.

To offer colorful and fragrant aperitifs to my guests, I have a very simple trick:I flavor them myself.

In the souks in Morocco, there are sellers of fragrant olives in all the aisles and I can tell you that all the recipes are delicious. With olives, anything goes!

Recipes as varied as they are tasty

I buy bags of first price olives, green and black, with pits. I pour them into several bowls and add a spoonful of olive oil.

I then sprinkle with various ingredients according to my tastes and desires.

I admit to having a clear preference for herbs de Provence, small pieces of candied peppers and onions and diced garlic. But you can also:

- cut pieces of chilli

- sprinkle with tuna crumbs or crushed sardines

- sprinkle with cumin and oregano

- mix with a sprig of rosemary and a little garlic

- add oregano, thyme or even lemon.

I then let it rest for about an hour, so that the olives have plenty of time to soak up the different flavors, and I serve as an aperitif.

Guaranteed treat with these improvised and really inexpensive recipes!

What do you think of my trick? Are you going to try? Leave me your opinion in comments.