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My Nettle Recipe for an Amazing &Economical Aperitif.

My Nettle Recipe for an Amazing &Economical Aperitif.

The nettle is succulent to eat either in soup, in gratin or other culinary preparation.

It can also be eaten raw!

Here is an economical and succulent recipe for an original aperitif!

Easy preparation

1. I finely chop my nettle leaves picked during my Sunday walk.

Note when picking:the 6 youngest leaves at the top of the plant are the richest in taste and vitamins.

2. I then mix them with a slab of previously softened butter (take it out about 30 minutes before mixing).

3. I add in my mixture one or two cloves of minced garlic, a tablespoon of olive oil and the juice of a lemon.

I find it very pleasant to mix everything together. Moreover, this mixture is a good nourishing, moisturizing and protective care. Our hands love it!

I train in seconds

Once my mixture is homogeneous, I spread my nettle butter on canapes or thin slices of toasted bread. I may add a piece of red pepper or half a black olive for decoration.

There you have it, a nice recipe, original, economical and full of health benefits.

Have you tried this recipe? Did you like ? For any complaints or exclamations, leave a comment!

Savings achieved

Nettle is a wild plant found everywhere in France. A pick-up is a free and fun way to shop. This recipe for 250g of nettle butter will not cost you more than 2€ in all and with that you will be able to make canapes. A tip:keep the unused butter (because there will inevitably be some left over) in the freezer for a future aperitif!