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What potatoes and Mother's Day have in common + potato rose recipe

Sunday is Mother's Day. It is high time to thank your dear mother for her tireless efforts! How about celebrating Mother's Day with a delicious potato dish? What many don't know:Not only human mothers should be celebrated on this special day. The second Sunday of May should also be a holiday for potatoes, because when they are grown, the tasty potatoes show real maternal love.

The potato on maternity leave

Between March and April, when the first warm rays of the sun shine outside and spring feelings awaken for people and animals, the planting time for potatoes also begins. For the cultivation of potatoes, farmers use specially grown seed potatoes, the so-called mother potatoes. When planting, the tasty potatoes need rest and special protection:Sprouted mother potatoes are placed in furrows at regular intervals and covered with soil to protect them from weeds and light.

A tuber and his large herd of children

The new potato children are formed from the shoots of the seed potatoes, which become runners and take root. The mother tuber gives everything for her children and gives all her energy to the daughter tubers until harvest.

Potato roses:flowers to nibble on

Mother's Day and potatoes - it just fits. If you want to give a slightly different flower on the special day, try some tasty potato roses. These are not only a feast for the eyes for mom, they also taste delicious. To do this, arrange the peeled potato slices in muffin tins and bake them in the oven for about 45 minutes. This is how the Mother's Day gift is guaranteed to succeed.

Potato roses with radish dip

Ingredients for six to seven roses:
750 g large potatoes, waxy 150 g cottage cheese (20% fat)
1⁄2 bunch of radishes
1/2 cloves of garlic, juice of a lemon, salt and pepper

Preheat the oven to 170°C with a convection oven. Fill a muffin tin with baking paper. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices of 1-2 mm with a kitchen grater or vegetable slicer. As a test, a finger should easily shine through.
Now line up about twenty slices so that they overlap by about half. This row of “leaves” is now rolled up from one side so that the insides of the potato roses are in your hands. Now take this in one hand and add as many slices around with the other until the rose fills the muffin tin well. Carefully place in the pan and repeat the process until the potatoes are used up or the pan is full. Season the roses well with salt and pepper and bake for about 45 minutes, until they are tender on the inside and nicely browned on the outside.
For the radish dip, cut half a bunch of radishes into small pieces, peel and finely chop half a garlic clove and mix both with the cottage cheese. Season with salt and pepper, add the lemon juice and stir well.