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Easy &Quick:The Honey Caramelized Baked Apples Recipe.

Easy &Quick:The Honey Caramelized Baked Apples Recipe.

Looking for a quick and easy dessert recipe to make?

I have exactly the recipe you need to delight your guests!

My grandmother used to make honey baked apples.

With this caramelized flavor and a hint of cinnamon, it's simply delicious and it's... unmissable!

Plus, it's the most budget-friendly dessert recipe I know.

Here is the easy and quick recipe for baked apples . Watch:

Easy &Quick:The Honey Caramelized Baked Apples Recipe.

  • Ingredients
  • How to
  • Result
  • Bonus Tips


- 4 beautiful apples

- 4 tablespoons of honey

- 40 g of butter

- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon

How to

Preparation: 5 mins - Cooking: 30 min - For 4 people

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (Th. 6).

2. Wash the apples under running water.

3. Remove the core using an apple corer.

4. Place the apples in a baking dish.

5. Put inside each apple a tablespoon of honey.

6. Add a knob of butter.

7. Sprinkle apples with cinnamon.

8. Put a glass of water in the bottom of the dish.

9. Bake for 30 min.


Easy &Quick:The Honey Caramelized Baked Apples Recipe.

There you go, your delicious baked apples with honey and cinnamon are already ready :-)

Easy, quick and delicious, right?

Not to mention the fact that you can't do more economical as a dessert!

For the price of 4 apples you have a great dessert for your guests.

You can serve your baked apples hot or warm, accompanied by a scoop of ice cream, fresh cream...

...or for those with a sweet tooth, homemade whipped cream and melted chocolate!

Bonus Tips

- To keep your apples moist when cooked, baste them regularly with their juices during cooking.

- You can also add dried fruits such as slivered almonds or walnuts when serving.

- You can also sprinkle the apples with crumbled biscuits for an extra crispy touch.