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The Easy Honey Duck Breast Recipe.

The Easy Honey Duck Breast Recipe.

Duck is a delicate meat that is often dreaded in cooking.

However, its powerful taste allows surprising combinations.

Are you looking for a simple and original recipe to cook a duck breast?

Here is the recipe that my Périgord grandmother passed on to me.

It's about cooking it with a honey sauce.

The Easy Honey Duck Breast Recipe.

Ingredients for 4 people

- 2 duck breasts

- 4 tablespoons of liquid honey

- 4 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar

- salt and pepper

How to

1. Incise the duck skin in a checkerboard pattern without cutting it entirely.

2. Heat a cast iron skillet without fat.

3. Place the duck breasts skin side down.

4. Salt to taste.

5. Cook for about 7 min.

6. Flip the duck breasts and cook for another 7 minutes.

7. Take out the duck breasts.

8. Deglaze the casserole with honey and vinegar. Do not let these two ingredients boil!

9. Cut the duck into thin slices.

10. Drizzle with the sauce.


And There you go ! You have cooked your duck breasts easily.

For a more fragrant sauce, you can use rosemary honey for example.

For garnish, you can warm peaches or figs in the honey sauce.

Your turn...

Have you tried this easy duck breast recipe? Tell us in comments if you liked it. We can't wait to read you!