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A Convivial and Original Salad for Less than €1 per Person!

A Convivial and Original Salad for Less than €1 per Person!

With family or friends, getting together over a good meal is always a privileged moment.

With my watercress salad with pears and fromage frais...

...I play the card of originality combined with economy.

Ingredients for 4 People

- 1 bunch watercress

- 4 pears

- 200g fresh cheese

- 1 lemon

- 1 bunch of flat-leaf parsley

- 1 tablespoon of mustard

- Salt &pepper

How to

Preparation:20 mins

1. I wash my watercress, remove the stems from the large stalks, wring it out and keep it in the fridge.

2. I peel my pears, cut them in half then remove the cores and seeds.

3. I cut them into thin strips and sprinkle them with lemon juice.

4. I wash and chop my parsley then place it in a bowl where I add my mustard and then little by little my fromage blanc.

A Convivial and Original Salad for Less than €1 per Person!

5. I whip this preparation using a whisk or a fork to obtain a smooth sauce. I salt and pepper.

6. I arrange my watercress on plates, add my pear slices in a fan shape and top with the sauce.

A Convivial and Original Salad for Less than €1 per Person!

It's ready ! I serve very chilled.

Bonus Tip

For the tastiest watercress, choose it with very green and tender leaves.

For good conservation (but be careful, no more than 2 days) wrap its roots in slightly moistened paper towels.

A Convivial and Original Salad for Less than €1 per Person!

A Light Cost

- 1 bunch of watercress:around 200 g at €5.97 per kilo, i.e. €1.19

- 4 pears:around 480 g at €2.90 per kilo, i.e. €1.39

- 200 g of fresh cheese:€1.30 per kilo, i.e. €0.26

- 1 lemon:around 100 g at €1.98 per kilo, i.e. €0.20

- 1 bunch of parsley:€0.90

Or an original salad costing me €0.98 for 1 person or at €3.94 for 4 guests.

Salads, I can't get enough of them! Do you know any original recipes? Leave me your gourmet recipes in the comments!