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My Secret for a Light and Economical Chocolate Mousse

My Secret for a Light and Economical Chocolate Mousse

A chocolate mousse made with eggs and chocolate only.

Not possible?

Not so sure ! Discover my recipe without added sugar instead!

Butter, sugar, egg, chocolate... nothing like a chocolate mousse to ruin all your dieting efforts!

However, I feel remorse for forcing everyone around me to settle for a fromage blanc with each dessert...

To get around the problem, and treat myself from time to time, I revisited the chocolate mousse recipe, keeping only the essential ingredients:eggs and chocolate!

You do not believe me ? Read instead!

My Secret for a Light and Economical Chocolate Mousse

  • Ingredients for 6 people
  • Preparation
  • Result
  • A lower cost

Ingredients for 6 people

- 4 eggs

- 300g dark or milk chocolate


1. I melt the chocolate in a saucepan with a little water.

2. During this time, I separate the whites from the yolks and beat the egg whites.

3. When they are very firm, I add the equivalent of two tablespoons of cold water (this allows the whites to swell a little more, and therefore gain in consistency) and I continue to beat.

4. Once the chocolate has melted, I add the egg yolks, stirring very hard so that they are not cooked by the hot chocolate, then the egg whites, delicately beaten.


There you go, my mousse is ready! I usually pour it into individual ramekins so everyone gets their share.

A reduced cost

- 4 eggs:€1

- 300 g of dark chocolate:€3.50 per kilo, i.e. €1.05

Either a chocolate cream costing me €0.34 per person or €2.05 for 6 people.