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Simple and Cheap:the Mushroom Quiche.

Simple and Cheap:the Mushroom Quiche.

In the series of simple and inexpensive quiches, here is the one with mushrooms.

Delicious after a soup in winter or accompanying a salad in spring, you'll tell us about it.

So, get cooking!

Simple and Cheap:the Mushroom Quiche.

Ingredients for 4 People

- 1 shortcrust pastry (you can make it yourself)

- 400 gr of seasonal mushrooms or button mushrooms

- 10 cl of milk

- 4 eggs

- 20 gr of butter

- salt, pepper, nutmeg, parsley... according to your taste

How To

1. Preheat your oven to 220° (th.8)

2. Spread your shortcrust pastry in a pie pan

3. Wash the mushrooms if necessary, drain them

4. Brown your mushrooms in a pan with the butter (between 8 and 15 minutes of cooking)

5. In a dish, mix milk, eggs, mushrooms, salt, pepper and other spices

6. Pour the mixture over the dough

7. Bake for about 30 minutes

Bonus Tip

Collect seasonal mushrooms if you like to walk around. This quiche can be made with all types of mushrooms.

If in doubt, after picking, show them to a pharmacist, who knows if your mushrooms are not bad.

You can buy dried or canned mushrooms, such as button mushrooms.